Nutrition Excellence at Waterford Dining Complex

The Waterford Dining Complex is named after the city of Waterford, Ireland, where Edmund Rice founded the Christian Brothers in the 19th century. The dining hall is a contemporary and stylish facility, offering a relaxed and comfortable environment for our boarders to enjoy their meals. Our catering team prioritises the health and well-being of our students by collaborating with a professional dietician. The menu is reviewed each term by a student-representative group ensuring the boys have the opportunity to provide feedback and make suggestions.

Boarders are treated to wholesome and nourishing meals throughout the day, including breakfast, lunch (first break), afternoon tea (second break), an after-school snack, dinner accompanied by a pasta and salad bar, and an after-study supper. Weekends offer a more laid-back dining experience rolling breakfasts, to allow boys flexibility around their sporting or recreational commitments. Saturday night residential BBQ’s afford the boys the opportunity to self-cater at their residences providing a home-life experience, a long-standing tradition of the College.

The menu operates on a four-week cycle, meticulously audited by our catering team to ensure a well-balanced and nutritious diet. To add a dash of excitement, we incorporate lavash theme nights each term providing extra variety to the menu and an occasion for the boys to come together for an evening of festivities and fun.